BrainX offers the most valuable supporting tools for you to provide the most comprehensive solution for your clients. Our technology carries an outstanding record for almost 26 years of strong and sustainable results in clinical settings. Professionals in practices worldwide have achieved significant improvements for people with attention deficits (ADHD), learning difficulties, brain injuries, stroke patients and other people with cognitive deficiency.
The neurocognitive training program will provide supports tailored to individuals or small groups with special needs. Our certified coaches provide the training, technical support, and technological knowledge for the healthcare professional. With a combination of domain expertise and knowledge of the neurocognitive training system, you can develop individualised strategies to overcome the challenges of completing the intervention. Once acquired, these trained skills can also be extended and applied to real-life situations as well to improve the quality of life of your client.
The Neurocognitive training program is currently used by medical doctors, psychiatrist, psychologists, occupational therapists, speech language pathologists and other clinical specialists working with individuals with attention and learning difficulties.
As the most comprehensive attention building program integrated with cognitive skills training, the system allows you to store its skill-based cognitive and behavioural data for your clients. Detailed reports and graphs of each client can easily be retrievable and printed to demonstrate efficacy and provide reinforcement of cognitive skills and behaviours.